What is a Border Collie? Well, they are a loyal, sensitive, happy, confident, fast, compulsive workaholic. They LOVE to work and you could say that they are obsessive about it. They also love to learn, that is why they are so successful at so many different things. Border collies have a compulsive drive for herding....you will NOT be able to change that instinct...so don't even try. Part of that herding instinct is to stalk (or us border collie people call it the "Border Collie Creep") and flank (this is when the dog crosses back and forth around the stock). Sometimes they resort to herding children and small animals if they do not have any to herd. These are all normal habits of a Border Collie. But just remember, this is how they were bred and it is in their DNA and if they do not have a job to do...they may resort to bad habits like chasing cars...so make sure they have a job that helps with their energy level.
They also love the water and scentwork. And most of all....they love to be loved!! Border Collies are truly man's (and woman's) best friend!
I have had some questions about training border collies...so here is my 2 cents worth.
Start as soon as you get your puppy...they are very much like a sponge at this age. You can start very simple with the word "no". This will be your root...your basic command that will work for all different situations.
Some people use treats to train and that is fine if your puppy/dog is food driven...if he/she is not then praise is the best training you can use. I personally prefer the praise because I do not want the puppy to become reliant on a treat to perform but this is just a preference for me. Also, remember to be patient and never scolding when training and NEVER hit them. A border collie is sensitive and in tune to your actions and the sound of your words. They want to please you so much that it does not take a violent act to train them. Violence can actually break their spirit and that is not what you want from your border collie. You want them to be happy and confident.
The first week all you need to do is concentrate on having a schedule and making puppy comfortable in his new surroundings such as potty training, alone training, and crate training.
First you will want to teach your puppy their name....as a breeder, I like to call them by their name as they are growing so that it helps when you as the puppy owner are actually teaching them. You don't have to make a formal training session out of it, just every chance you get call them by their name and call them to you. When they accomplish what you are telling them, praise them. Repetition is key.
Next thing is to potty train them...this is intimidating to most. So first thing to know is to keep their sleep, eat, and play area clean. Border collies like to go away from their area to potty. Next, be consistent. First thing in the morning and everytime they wake....immediately take them to where you want them to potty. After eating...take them to potty. Start watching and listening for any signs that they are trying to tell you that they want to go out (they could whine, pace, wait at the door, paw the door....etc. If they have an accident, tell them no and take them to their potty spot.
There are other tips at How to Train a Border Collie Puppy: 8 Week Guide | Zigzag that are very helpful in training your puppy.
Just show your new puppy lots of love and patience and he/she will be a happy puppy.
Calm your Border Collie with exercise
Make sure your dog is getting 90 minutes (at least) of exercise a day for puppies/dogs between 6 months and 15 months of age with a little bit of that "off leash". With an adult, you will need at least an hour of exercise a day. **refrain from play near bedtime.
Train your Border Collie to be calm
This is the most important thing to know...First train your Border Collie where to eat, sleep, and use the bathroom. Next, train him/her to : Come ( to come when called), Heel (train them to walk alongside you when you walk), Sit ( the sitting position), Down ( to lay down), and Stay ( to maintain his/her position when commanded). You can also teach your dog to be calm...just have a command you want to teach and teach it.
Mental stimulation also helps because Border Collies tend to become bored and lonely. This is when you actually interact with your dog....very important especially with Border Collies because they want to please so much. So, make sure you praise them and give them plenty of affection.
Massage and aroma therapy is actually another way that can promote calmness in your border collie...this is not something that I am familiar with but there is information regarding this at www.bigdogden.com
*parts of this article were stated from www.bigdogden.com
Planned Litter expected last half of March! ♥️